Emergency and Disaster Health Systems Advisors

To successfully complete the Emergency Health Services major, strategic planning and close adherence to program requirements are crucial. Therefore, early, and ongoing advising is essential. Our dedicated advising team is committed to guiding each student towards academic success. Advisors offer support in crafting a personalized academic pathway towards graduation and are available to discuss post-graduate education and career prospects. A student’s future plans, whether pursuing graduate studies or entering the workforce, significantly shape their academic journey and course choices. Given these factors, it’s imperative to establish early and consistent communication with a program advisor.

Students must meet with their advisors each semester during advanced registration to review their progress toward fulfilling major and university requirements, but students are also encouraged to meet with their advisor at any point during the semester.


Choose the correct program below and an email will be sent to the appropriate advisor.

Main Department Contact


EDHS Paramedic Concentration Advisor
EDHS Emergency and Disaster Health Management Track Advisor
EDHS Emergency Health Leadership Track Advisor


EDHS Emergency and Disaster Management Minor Advisor
EDHS Emergency Health Systems Minor Advisor


Master’s Degree (All Tracks)
Post Graduate Emergency Management Certificate