EDHS Specialization in Public Policy Ph.D.


In collaboration with the School of Public Policy Ph.D. Program

Ph.D. Specialization Primary Advisor: Dr. Lucy Wilson
EDHS Graduate Program Coordinator: Renee Decker

Public Policy Contact: gradpubpol@umbc.edu

**Students must apply to The School of Public Policy, who manages the Ph.D. degree. Emergency and Disaster Health Systems coordinates the specialty studies and advises students for the required EDHS courses in their chosen specialization**

For detailed admissions requirements and deadlines, please refer to the Public Policy Admissions Page

In collaboration with the School of Public Policy, Emergency and Disaster Health System students can now earn a Ph.D. degree with a specialty study in either Emergency Health or Emergency Management. This collaborative degree allows students to have a specialized study in Emergency and Disaster Health Systems while earning their Ph.D. in Public Policy.

Potential candidates must apply to the School of Public Policy but will be co-advised and mentored by faculty from the Graduate Program in the Department of Emergency and Disaster Health Systems. The School of Public Policy admits both full and part-time students. Classes are held once a week, in-person, at either 4:30 pm or 7:10 pm, allowing students who work full time to enroll in the program. All Emergency and Disaster Health Systems courses are available in either hybrid and fully online formats.

This specialized area of study is for the professional specializing in public health, disaster care, and emergency management. There are two pathways: Emergency Health, and Emergency Management.

The Emergency Health pathway includes courses in disaster health, catastrophes, and systems design. The Emergency Management pathway includes courses in disaster mitigation, catastrophe preparation and response, and strategic planning and if so desired, students can be concurrently enrolled in the EDHS Emergency Management Graduate Certificate. Contact Dr. Lucy Wilson or Renee Decker for more information about these specialization.

Admission questions should be directed to the School of Public Policy at gradpubpol@umbc.edu


The Ph.D. curriculum for a student without a relevant master’s degree requires 48 hours of pre-dissertation coursework and 18 hours of dissertation research. The curriculum is divided into core courses, disciplinary foundation courses, and courses in an Emergency Services concentration. Students with an Emergency Health Services Master’s degree will have fewer course requirements to complete.

Ph.D. Examinations

In addition to examinations in particular courses, Ph.D. students must pass a comprehensive exam and a field exam. Students should consult with their advisor before signing up to take the comprehensive or field exam.

Doctoral Dissertation

All Ph.D. candidates must register for a minimum of 18 semester hours of doctoral dissertation research, PUBL 899. Guidelines for writing and defending dissertations are available on the Public Policy Graduate Student Group site. Copies of proposals and dissertations are available for inspection in the Graduate Student Reading Room.


This program is for the professional specializing in emergency public health, emergency management, or management of emergency health care systems, wanting to further their education or career potential. The curriculum is designed to provide graduate-level training and education to health care providers, researchers, educators, policymakers, and administrators.


Two pathways are available in the Emergency Services Specialization:

Click the links above for more information, required courses, and course electives for each pathway.

Dr. Lucy Wilson is the EDHS specialization advisor. You will be assigned an advisor for the Ph.D. requirements by Public Policy.
You may also contact Renee Decker as the Graduate Program Coordinator for EDHS specialization questions or Public Policy Department at gradpubpol@umbc.edu for all other questions concerning the Ph.D. degree.

***PLEASE NOTE: All Emergency and Disaster Health Systems courses can be taken fully online via Distance Education. Most Public Policy Courses require in-person attendance.***


The Ph.D. program admits both full and part-time students. Classes are held once a week, in-person, at either 4:30 pm or 7:10 pm, allowing students who work full time to enroll in the program. The EDHS courses in the specialization can be taken either hybrid or fully online. The Public Policy courses are held in-person.

For detailed admissions requirements and deadlines, please refer to the Public Policy Admissions Page