When are the required Emergency Management courses offered?

The 5 required courses are staggered over a four semester spread with the specific courses being offered every other year in a Fall or Spring semester on a rotating basis. The optional recommended courses are available in both the Fall and Spring semesters. The courses can be taken in any order.

Certain Cybersecurity courses will be accepted for credit towards the Emergency Management certificate. For information on when these classes are offered, please see the Cybersecurity website.


FALL Semesters:

EDHS 623: Public Health Emergency Preparedness (Offered Fall)

EDHS 634: Disaster Mitigation (Even years)

EDHS 637: Disaster Recovery (Odd years)


SPRING Semesters:

EDHS 632: Disaster Health (varies)

EDHS 636: Disaster Response (Odd years)

EDHS 638: Disaster Preparedness (Even years)

EDHS 639: Catastrophic Disaster Prep. and Response (varies)


Other graduate level courses may be used to fulfill the elective requirement with prior approval from the EDHS Graduate Program Director.


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