Master’s Program


Acting Graduate Program Director: Dr. Jane Lincove
Graduate Program Coordinator: Renee Decker


The UMBC Department of Emergency and Disaster Health Systems graduate study programs encompass agencies ranging from local rescue squads to national and international disaster and refugee health services and include mobile (i.e. ambulances) and fixed resources (hospitals). The program is primarily focused on preparing professionals for leadership roles requiring skills in planning, research, development, and organizational operations. The different track curriculums are designed to provide graduate-level training and education to health care providers, researchers, educators, policymakers, and administrators.


Combined Degree Program (B.S./M.S.)

Students in the EDHS Emergency Health Services undergraduate program (or related field) who meet specific qualifications may opt for a combined B.S./M.S. degree. Application for this program is made during your Junior year of undergraduate study and must be approved by both the Graduate Program Director and the Advisor for the student’s undergraduate degree track.

Once approved, students apply to the Graduate School for the Accelerated Bachelor/Master’s program, (Not the full Master’s degree program) focusing on the Master’s degree track they wish to pursue, and will be allowed to start taking graduate-level courses during their Senior year. Students must submit approval paperwork for undergraduates to take graduate courses for credit each semester they take a Graduate course (see link below).

PLEASE NOTE: Acceptance into the Emergency and Disaster Health Systems accelerated B.S./M.S. program does not guarantee acceptance into the EDHS Graduate program. Students must apply to the Master’s program to start after they complete their undergraduate degree. If accepted, up to three (3) graduate courses taken in the B.S./M.S. program can be applied towards the Emergency and Disaster Health Systems Master’s degree.

Accelerated Program Application [DocuSign]

Approval for Undergraduates to Take Courses for Graduate Credit [DocuSign]

Emergency Management Certificate

The Emergency Management Post-Baccalaureate Certificate provides an option for those interested in emergency management. There are four (4) required core courses, with recommended elective courses for the fifth course to complete a total of 15 credits.

This certificate can be obtained as a stand-alone option, or in conjunction with the M.S. degree. Under the guidance of the program advisor, a concurrent completion of the certificate program and the M.S. degree is possible. Courses are available through distance education (completely online) or through on-campus/hybrid courses.

Master of Science (M.S.)

Two tracks are available to the Master’s level Emergency and Disaster Health Systems major:

Tracks I & II have four (4) mandatory courses, followed by recommenced track-specific elective courses.
All tracks are offered either completely online via distance education or in an on-campus/hybrid format.

Degree Awarded: Master of Science in Emergency Health Services


The Department of Emergency and Disaster Health Systems Master’s level programs require a minimum of 30 hours of credit which must be completed within five (5) years from the date of initial enrollment. With continuous enrollment each semester, most students complete the degree in about two years. A three-year time frame will be typical for many part-time students, although earlier completion is possible.


For General Graduate School information and funding option/opportunities, please check out the Graduate School’s website at

EDHS Graduate Program Alumni Careers and Positions after Graduation  (PDF)