As part of the National Food Access and COVID Research Team (NFACT), this project seeks to understand food access during COVID-19. During COVID-19, the food environment – farmers growing food, food processing facilities, transportation networks, retail grocery stores and restaurants, and households putting food on the table – were all affected as states took various measures to slow the spread of the virus. Household behavior changed quickly as people stayed home more, especially during statewide shutdowns and work from home orders. Rapidly, the food environment adapted. Schools developed a wide range of models to send meals home to families for students. Restaurants began offering curbside pick up and delivery rather than table service. Grocery stores mobilized or expanded curbside pick up and delivery services. And while households were navigating the risks associated with COVID, many experienced economic impacts from lost jobs and other disruptions as well. This study looks at the experience of New Yorkers with accessing food, the impact of COVID-19 on their households, and strategies used to cope and adapt. New York is one of 15 states contributing to the national NFACT team.
To read about our study findings, check out our research briefs on the health effects of the pandemic, racial disparities in food access, and racial disparities in healthcare security. We also have several research articles published on food access and health impacts, employment and essential workers, food seeking behaviors, and food assistance and purchasing behavior.
Funder: Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Research Award Program, based on work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1635593)
Project Team
NY State Team: Lauren Clay (PI); Britta Heath (Dietetics MS Student, D’Youville)
NYC Team: Preety Gadhoke (PI), St. Johns University; Barrett Brenton, Binghamton University